Tungsten Carbide

King Rings True Blue

King Rings are always in a class of their own. As jewelry quality adornments, they feature a masculine polished finish befitting of a wedding band. The weight if a tungsten carbide ring is something that you simply have to experience. At nearly half a pound, the True Blue will give a slight tug all day long as you wear it.

One thing to think about with any heavy ring that is polished: it will slide. This means that the ring will have a tendency to migrate down throughout the day - even to the point of sliding off! That won’t be a problem while erect, but walking around the office that way brings ita own problems!

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King Rings Sea Dragon

Wow! An amazing ring without a doubt. This fine piece of craftsmanship is exactly what you need to really augment your member. As an owner of MANY rings (maybe 115ish?), this gorgeous ring stands out in my collection.

The material is a lustrous silver/gray – it carries the unmistakable imagery of jewelery-quality metals. This just IS NOT the same metal as your typical stainless ring. It’s rich, deep, and masculine while still maintaining shine and sheen. The bevel is perfectly cut all the way around and the raidiused inside is flawlessly executed for ideal comfort. The inlaid dragon is a bright silver set atop a beautiful blue carbon fiber material and layered below a crystal clear resin. I am unable to tell where the resin stops and the metal begins, such is the professionalism of the craftsmanship! This color combination is STELLAR when sunlight catches the ring!

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